This week I reached my 62nd extension localized with the precious help of this extension. Just to let you know how efficient and useful it is.
Sound good for my ears
When we (you) reach 100 extension we can organize a party like this.
Obviously this is a joke
I have noticed there are still sometimes double similar entities created with same name and same strings, I don't know why because generally there is the appending number that allows entity names to be different, but sometimes there is no such number.
Bad news, may you send me more info so I try to reproduce the problem.
I can't live knowing my friend Goofy encounters similar bugs when he works
In a distant future, it would be good to have this feature :
For xml files, the user should have the choice between
- automatic detecting and replacement (just as it works fine now)
- selection of items to be transferred just as it works fine for .js files now
I'll add these enough simple modification as soon as possibile, please apologize me for late in fix these problems.
Thank you again, dear Davide, for the very kind and smart work you have done !
My pleasure, I'm happy when people use my bonsai apps