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A little guide to Spicebird Langpack Online Translation

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#1 Goofy


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Posted 29 May 2008 - 06:06 AM

[just beginning, more to come]

  • Hey, this is a Synovel corporation app, is it a free an open source product ?
Yes it is, and it will remain so, as you can read here on Spicebird site.
Synovel is an Indian startup, learn more here.
  • How to merge Spicebird translation on the WTS with my language translations of Thunderbird and Sunbird?
As mentioned on our announcement here (#3), please send a PM to our Tech Admin Fenian who will do it asap with the more recent langfiles available , check and give you the OK signal.
It is good to know that Spicebird interface is made on top ot these other apps, so every language file available for Thunderbird and Sunbird can be dropped in the WTS and spare you something like 80% of the translation work

  • I would like to translate but my free time is limited and it is such a huge task…How can I contribute ?
There is plenty to do for all and collaborative work is highly recommended. Joint a team or create one. A small team as lead can be enough (on BabelZilla, there is one main translator and two additional ones) but you can play your role with proofreading and testing, which is essential for the quality of the final translation. No need to devote hours and hours if you have a limited time, you can just read and check one file and report. It is also recommended to create (ask some moderator or admin) a "Spicebird Langpack Translation for xx-XX" forum to exchange reports, problems, suggestions and jokes.

  • we have almost finished translation for my language but now we would like to give a test run with our langpack and see how it is displayed in Spicebird. How shall we do?
Just drop a PM to the very kind sunilmohan from Spicebird Team and ask him to prepare an installable langpack.xpi, then grab a Spicebird version and install you langpack as if it were a "usual" extension. Note that you must switch your useragent.general.locale and restart to see your language in the interface.

Think Global, Make Locales!

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but you can also drop a word in the shoutbox

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