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CardBook add-on translation request

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#1 ovari



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Posted 18 September 2017 - 11:24 AM



1. Please help translate CardBook into more languages:

a) via GitHub: https://github.com/CardBook/CardBook/tree/master/chrome/locale

b) by email: Philippe Vigneau cardbook.thunderbird@gmail.com


2. “CardBook” is a free and open-source Contact Manger add-on for Mozilla Thunderbird based on the CardDAV and vCard standards.



3. Philippe Vigneau, the lead developer of CardBook, is very open to implementing suggestions and fixes to make this add-on the default for Contact Management.



4. There is also a growing development community around CardBook as you can see from the list of contributors and translators.



5. It is highly recommended that you install CardBook on as many computers as you can.


It would help the adoption of CardBook for native language speakers if CardBook was translated and localisated into additional native languages.


6. CardBook works also works with remote Contacts from OwnCloud, NextCloud, etc. CardBook also works with other Mozilla Thunderbird add-ons like Mail Merge.



7. You can see the CardBook version history for the development pace.



8. As many people (governments, businesses, schools, individuals) are migrating from proprietary Microsoft Office software to free and open source software, Mozilla Thunderbird with the CardBook add-on is a requirement as it replaces the Microsoft Outlook program in the Microsoft Office suite.



9. If this is the wrong place to send this request for help in translating CardBook into other localisations, please advise the correct email or website to send this request for help translating CardBook into additional languages.


Faleminderit shumë!

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