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Please help translate this words.

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#1 sonthakit



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Posted 11 April 2012 - 05:31 PM

Gmail watcher is going to have a new alert system.
But the previous translator of tr locale do not response.

I have 2 words and one explanation text.
Please help me translate.
(The word to translate are in bold text)
Thank you very much

"Attention Alert"

What is the "Attention Alert"?
This alert is an attempt to get the user's attention. How this happens varies based on OS and window manager.
- On Windows, the taskbar button for the window flashes, if this hasn't been disabled by the user.
- On Linux, the behaviour varies from window manager to window manager - some flash the taskbar button, others focus the window immediately. This may be configurable as well.
- On Macintosh, the icon in the upper right corner of the desktop flashes.

English version

Tr version

#2 alfapegasi


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Posted 12 April 2012 - 12:11 PM


Here are the translated strings. For the credit please use my credit info under my profile.

There is a conflict of translations:
The group named "Alert" (in English) should be translated as "Alarm" (in Turkish); because both "alert" and "attention" /might be/ translated as "uyarı" in Turkish. Otherwise group name and group member will have the same translation.

"Uyarı Alarmı"

"Uyarı Alarmı" nedir?
Bu, kullanıcının dikkatini çekmeye çalışan bir alarmdır. Bunun nasıl olacağı, işletim sistemi ve pencere yöneticisine göre değişir.
- Windows'da görev çubuğundaki düğme, kullanıcı etkisizleştirmediyse yanıp söner.
- Linux'daki davranışı pencere yöneticisine göre değişir: bazısı görev çubuğunu yanıp söndürür, bazıları da pencereyi hemen etkinleştirip öne çıkarır. Bu durum da ayarlanabilir.
- Macintosh'larda masaüstünün sağ üst köşesindeki simge yanıp söner.



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