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German to English translation request

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#1 jez9999


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Posted 11 April 2012 - 11:20 PM

Hi guys,

I am trying to translate the Mad TV 2 computer game (it's quite old from the DOS days biggrin.gif ). I could do with some help from native Germans in translating things. I've been trying to translate with some other people's help so far but it's a slow process. The latest state of the translation is here:


It's XML. The stringDE tags are the originals and the stringEN tags need filling in with the translation. As you can see I have got some way but I could do with a review of all the already-translated strings, and in particular I could do with translations from string 2ae16a7a-d1fc-4e59-85ad-7da973bbb810 onwards. Bear in mind, it's quite a wacky game so the translations may well be a bit zany. smile.gif

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