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Restart manager - Ver. 2.08pre3

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#1 Grg68


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Posted 19 October 2014 - 10:35 PM

[b]Maintainer: [/b]Grg68
[b]Creator: [/b]GMaL

[b]Ext. Version: [/b]2.05pre3
[b]Release date: [/b]0000-00-00
[b]Description: [/b]Adds to Pale Moon the ability for easy restart on demand. Also, in versions 20+, manages all normal restart requests, allowing the user to choose what to do, according to offered options.
[b]Extension is compatible to:[/b] ( [img]https://www.babelzilla.org/components/com_wts/logos/ff.png[/img] 1.5 - 24.*)

[b]Included locales: [/b]bg cs de el en-GB en-US es-AR es-ES es-MX fr hu it ko nl pl pt-BR pt-PT ru sk sv-SE tl tr uk zh-CN

[url="https://www.babelzilla.org/index.php?option=com_wts&extension=5731&type=show"]View on WTS[/url] -- [url="https://www.babelzilla.org/index.php?option=com_wts&type=downloadxpi&extension=5731"] Download the extension[/url]

Edited by Grg68, 04 August 2019 - 01:23 AM.

#2 markh


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Posted 20 October 2014 - 09:30 AM

welcomeani.gif with this extension of yours! Since you have been active here for quite a while now, I don’t suppose I need to explain how stuff works?
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#3 Grg68


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Posted 20 October 2014 - 10:56 PM

Hi markh,

Thanks for welcoming me!
However, i need some help. I have some experience here as a translator, but not as a developer :-)
A few details about my extension would be useful for you and the other translators.
Because it was possible, i decided to use internal strings of firefox or composite some strings using
internal strings of firefox, to make the extension to be localized automatically in all languages.
It seems to work, but i'm not sure yet if there are any problems in some languages, especially in eastern languages.
I'm awaiting for feedback on this.
So, for now, there are only four strings to be translated, which are not related to firefox and so,
they don't exist in its internal language pack:
- extension's name (optional)
- extension's description
- 2 tooltips appearing in options window

The file i have uploaded on WTS contains already three complete locales with these four strings i mention above.
Now, could you please tell me how can i add some other locales and then how can i notify the translators?


#4 DakSrbija


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Posted 20 October 2014 - 11:27 PM

Serbian (sr) localization has been released.

#5 markh


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Posted 21 October 2014 - 08:15 AM

QUOTE (Grg68 @ Oct 20 2014, 22:56) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The file i have uploaded on WTS contains already three complete locales with these four strings i mention above.
Now, could you please tell me how can i add some other locales and then how can i notify the translators?

You don’t need to add locales yourself. If you would like to have locales added, you can post a request in the forum for those locales, asking translators to step up and contribute. Remember to point out that there are only a few strings to translate; it will increase the likelihood of people volunteering wink.gif Once a translator has finished his/her work, the locale will be set to Released and you will be notified automatically.

I realize this is just a very brief summary of our activities. I would recommend to find some time to go through our Wiki to learn a bit more smile.gif
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#6 markh


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Posted 21 October 2014 - 08:33 AM

nl locale released cool.gif

A couple of observations:
- The tooltip on the icon displays ‘%S restart Firefox’
- There is one unlocalized string: ‘[Invalidate Caches On Restart]’
- Examination of the xul and js files reveals several unlocalized strings (currently not displayed anywhere)

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#7 Grg68


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Posted 28 October 2014 - 04:39 AM

Hi all,

Thanks for your translations cool.gif

I was working to make some improvements for better support of some languages
and for some other small issues.
Please try the new version i have uploaded and let me know what you think.

QUOTE (markh @ Oct 21 2014, 10:33) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
- The tooltip on the icon displays ‘%S restart Firefox’
You mean "%S herstarten"? I assume so because this was not a problem in English.
It's fixed now for Dutch and some other languages too. However, i can't be sure if it works for all languages,
due to the automatic localization method i have implemented, using the internal language pack of firefox.

QUOTE (markh @ Oct 21 2014, 10:33) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
- There is one unlocalized string: ‘[Invalidate Caches On Restart]’
I decided to leave this untranslated, because this is the name of a command, intended
to be used mostly by developers, which will know what this means and what it does.
However, i decided also to add an explanatory tooltip on this check box, to make a good
conciliation (as i think so...).
Let me know what you think smile.gif

QUOTE (markh @ Oct 21 2014, 10:33) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
- Examination of the xul and js files reveals several unlocalized strings (currently not displayed anywhere)
There are no unlocalized strings! The extension supports all versions of firefox (starting from v1.5)
and i assume you saw some strings which actually don't appear in latest versions of firefox. If you point out
to me some examples, i will explain to you with details about them.

How to invite a translator for German, for the new string i have added?
Also, some other translators for a few other languages too?


#8 GVP



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Posted 27 April 2017 - 11:27 PM

Greetings! I came to this forum by way of the Mozilla Add-ons site.


I installed Restart Manager 1.09  without issues in Pale Moon 27.2.1 (64-bit) on Ubuntu. It worked as expected, and the button showed up immediately in the Customize dialog box. However, when I put the button in a toolbar, it lost the picture of the arrows and appeared as just a blank button.  :sad:


Here is the button in the Customize dialog box:





And here is the button in my toolbar (next to the Greasemonkey button)

^_^ ^_^


Do you think you can fix this?


Cheers! -gvp  ^_^

#9 Grg68


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Posted 15 September 2018 - 10:14 PM

Hi everyone,

I have uploaded in WTS v2.03 of Restart manager for Pale Moon.

If you are interested, you can find it in its homepage.


Mozilla does not accept any more "legacy" extensions.

However, the latest version of Restart manager currently on AMO for a few

days more, should continue to work in some variants of Firefox, like Waterfox.

There are no official ways for distribution, except in case of Pale Moon,

where they have a dedicated add-on gallery.


This was my motivation to create a version of Restart manager for Pale Moon

and place it also here for localization.


For any new contributors interested on this extension, please take a look first

in Pale Moon's language pack site, to see if Pale Moon has been translated to

your language before you proceed.


Of course, i will keep any locale, regardless if Pale Moon is translated or not

yet to all locales included in Restart Manager.


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