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Encoding '<' and '>' in downloaded DTD files

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#1 misterp


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Posted 29 October 2014 - 03:56 PM

When I click Bugtracker on the home page a blank page opens, so I can't submit a bug there.

When a developer downloads a *.dtd file it may contain '<' and '>' for example

<!ENTITY sCdeleteKey "<DEL>">
<!ENTITY sCctrlKey "<CTRL>">
<!ENTITY sCshiftKey "<SHIFT>">
<!ENTITY sCaltKey "<ALT>">

This is not a valid DTD file. It needs to be encoded as

<!ENTITY sCdeleteKey "&lt;DEL&gt;">
<!ENTITY sCctrlKey "&lt;CTRL&gt;">
<!ENTITY sCshiftKey "&lt;SHIFT&gt;">
<!ENTITY sCaltKey "&lt;ALT&gt;">

It would be nice if Babelzilla could do this automatically.

Since I finally forgot to do it manually, which broke the application completely, I figured I'd ask.

-misterp, NewsFox dev

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