Thursday, 03 October 2024
Use a smart script to build your extension! Print
Written by Goofy   
Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Use a smart script to build your extension!

The little story (you can skip it)

Mr Frederik Vanderstraeten who is the developer of Country Lookup extension for Thunderbird encountered one familiar annoyance while submitting an updated version of his extension on the WTS. As he neglected to add the path to every locale in his chrome.manifest, some of the language files were not recognized, though duly included in the submitted xpi. Note that the same problem may have occured for a final user if the extension was released on a public site without all languages registered.

This happens every now and then, and who can blame a developer about that?

The interesting point in the episode is: our submitter wrote some additional lines to his build script to make this annoying issue fixed.

And he is kind enough to share his script with everyone.

  The precious script

    * It's a command-line PHP script.
    * It must be run from a shell script.
    * It has some cool functions, such as automatically updating a website, making a seperate version for AMO without updateURL and warning when a locale isn't in chrome.manifest.
    * If you want more information on how it works, feel free to e-mail the authorThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it . THANKS FREDERIK !


Now you can

Download (right-click and choose Save link as)
and enjoy Smile
Last Updated ( Saturday, 15 May 2010 )
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